The First Heritage To Lynch - CSX 1827 made a surprise visit to Lynch 3 on R614. If it hadn't been for my good friend Jeremy Williams, I would have never known it had came and gone. The Baltimore & Ohio scheme shines in the mid-day sun as Dragon pilots the unit and they begin loading. 1827 is the first Heritage Unit to make its appearance at Lynch 3 and is also the first Heritage Unit to grace CSX's roster. Good times.
CSX Transportation
Road Number
CSXT 1827
Cumberland Valley Subdivision
Cumberland, Kentucky, United States
Date Taken
July 15, 2024
Date Uploaded
July 19, 2024
Hot Shot
The First Heritage To Lynch - CSX 1827 made a surprise visit to Lynch 3 on R614. If it hadn't been for my good friend Jeremy Williams, I would have never known it had came and gone. The Baltimore & Ohio scheme shines in the mid-day sun as Dragon pilots the unit and they begin loading. 1827 is the first Heritage Unit to make its appearance at Lynch 3 and is also the first Heritage Unit to grace CSX's roster. Good times.
Micah Turner is a photographer, videographer, and author from Eastern Kentucky. He owns and operates Micah Turner Photography, as well as popular YouTube media outlet RailfanMicahTurner, each capturing the hidden arts of Eastern Kentucky’s beautiful landscape and wildlife, as well as its coal heritage. Micah’s authorship consists of books titled “Down The Mine” and “Over The Gravels We Travel,” which have seen thousands of copies sold worldwide. His goal is to document the Eastern Kentucky region and surrounding areas through his photography and videography.
CSXT 1827 is a class ES44AC and is pictured in Cumberland, Kentucky, United States. This was taken along the Cumberland Valley Subdivision on the CSX Transportation. Photo Copyright: Micah Turner uploaded to Railroad Gallery on 07/19/2024. This photograph of CSXT 1827 was taken on Monday, July 15, 2024. All Rights Reserved.