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Date Added: June 02, 2024
Date Taken: January 28, 2019
Nampa, Idaho, United States
UP 4141
UP 4141
After the passing of former president Geroge Bush, UP would for the final hurrah un-tarp this motor and send it on a systemwide tour as a token of honor for this moment. Just as his passing, this and the funeral train would be the last hurrah for this motor in it's operational state as it is now an exhibit at the presidential library and museum in Texas. This would be the first and last time I'd get to see this motor.
Railroad: Union Pacific Railroad
Locomotive Model: EMD SD70ACe
Road Number: UP 4141
Railroad Line/Subdivsion: Nampa Subdivision
Location: Nampa, Idaho, United States
0 Favorites
Date Added: June 02, 2024
Date Taken: July 29, 2021
Nampa, Idaho, USA
On The Move
On The Move
During the historic 2021 western wildfire season, infrastructure on the west coast was hit hard, as a fire took down one of the bridges on UP's i5 corridor route. This would result in detours over the OSL to keep the tonnage on the move, and in a mid-term plan, block swaps became even more prominent than they already were in Nampa to handle overload tonnages. One of these detours led by UP 8899 is getting back underway for the long snaking detour across Idaho and then south down the Ogden subdivision, and then back west to Roseville.
Railroad: Union Pacific Railroad
Locomotive Model: EMD SD70AH
Road Number: UP 8899
Railroad Line/Subdivsion: Nampa Subdivision
Location: Nampa, Idaho, USA
1 Favorites
Date Added: May 29, 2024
Date Taken: January 05, 2019
Nampa, Idaho, United States
Eagle Has Landed
Eagle Has Landed
With a perfectly timed phone call earlier that morning, it was out the door to capture UP 1982 tied down at CP455 in Nampa at the lead of MHKPC. It would only be a couple hours later and they would be gone that same afternoon.
Railroad: Union Pacific Railroad
Locomotive Model: SD70ACe
Road Number: UP 1982
Railroad Line/Subdivsion: Nampa Subdivision
Location: Nampa, Idaho, United States
1 Favorites
Date Added: May 29, 2024
Date Taken: June 15, 2021
Nampa, Idaho, USA
One Waits, One Goes
One Waits, One Goes
It's a late early June evening in Nampa, as a manifest is working the yard on main 2 awaiting the all clear from the conductor on the next move, while a stack train blasts off on Main 1 with a fresh crew for the overnight jog to Pocatello and beyond eastwards.
Railroad: Union Pacific Railroad
Locomotive Model: ES44AH and SD70ACe
Road Number: UP 8001 and UP 8604
Railroad Line/Subdivsion: Nampa Subdivision
Location: Nampa, Idaho, USA
1 Favorites
Date Added: May 21, 2024
Date Taken: July 30, 2023
Cleft, Idaho, United States
UP 8082 East
UP 8082 East
It's a beautiful Idaho July afternoon as a hot UPS Z races through Idaho eastwards with a big friendly windshield wave from the conductor at every bit of track speed and one awaiting them at Sebree.
Railroad: Union Pacific Railroad
Locomotive Model: ES44AH
Road Number: UP 8082
Railroad Line/Subdivsion: Nampa Subdivision
Location: Cleft, Idaho, United States
1 Favorites
Date Added: May 21, 2024
Date Taken: December 03, 2023
Michaud , Idaho, United States
One Last Train On The Day
One Last Train On The Day
As this visit to Pocatello and the surrounding areas was winding down, there was only one way to wrap up a fun day of chasing and that was with a train at last good light, and UP delivered bringing UP 8190 eastbound with the MHKNP at sunset past the always classy center siding at Michaud.
Railroad: Union Pacific Railroad
Locomotive Model: ES44AH
Road Number: UP 8190
Railroad Line/Subdivsion: Nampa Subdivision
Location: Michaud , Idaho, United States
1 Favorites
Date Added: May 20, 2024
Date Taken: April 26, 2023
Nampa, Idaho, United States
UP 8217 Under The Stars
UP 8217 Under The Stars
Earlier in the afternoon a ballast train had arrived Nampa and tied down for the night, awaiting it's next move eastward to unload for the various MoW projects across Idaho. With a beautiful clear night, there's no way one would pass on a nice shot under the stars as the trio of motors rest in near CP 455 in the east end of Nampa yard.
Railroad: Union Pacific Railroad
Locomotive Model: ES44AH
Road Number: UP 8217
Railroad Line/Subdivsion: Nampa Subdivision
Location: Nampa, Idaho, United States
0 Favorites
Date Added: May 20, 2024
Date Taken: May 12, 2024
Nampa, Idaho, United States
UP 2155 At Rest
UP 2155 At Rest
After a stint working in the east end of the yard shuffling cars around for all the Nampa area eastbound locals, a rare standard cab SD60 is seen resting the night away out front of Nampa Tower
Railroad: Union Pacific Railroad
Locomotive Model: SD60
Road Number: UP 2155
Railroad Line/Subdivsion: Nampa Subdivision
Location: Nampa, Idaho, United States
2 Favorites
Date Added: May 10, 2024
Date Taken: January 07, 2020
Reverse, Idaho, United States
Sunset On The Hill
Sunset On The Hill
No day on the OSL in Idaho is complete without at least one shot from the Hill. The infamous hill known as Medbury Hill has stood as a long challenge for trains. It's a 1.5% climb for quite the distance from the Snake River valley below to the desert plateau standing above. At the top of the hill is CP 393 to CP392 which is a center siding known as Reverse, and for a very long time a set of timeless searchlight signals stood guard over this fabled section of railroad. This set now no longer stands, and all the remains is the photos of their glory and the stories they told. Not long after this photo was taken, would ground break on the new signal bridges and signals that would replace these, and from this moment onward time was running out. Here's CP 8810 leading then train MPCET with an entirely CP visitor line up as they thunder up the grade under a glorious beautiful Idaho January sunset.
Railroad: Union Pacific Railroad
Locomotive Model: ES44AC
Road Number: CP 8810
Railroad Line/Subdivsion: Nampa Subdivision
Location: Reverse, Idaho, United States
1 Favorites
Date Added: May 09, 2024
Date Taken: July 13, 2022
King Hill, Idaho, United States
UP 2769 East Up the Grade
UP 2769 East Up the Grade
It's a hot punishing July afternoon for this hardworking set of motors as they pound every ounce of power to the rails with a heavy MHKPC behind them and a 1.5% climb in front of them.
Railroad: Union Pacific Railroad
Locomotive Model: ES44AH
Road Number: UP 2769
Railroad Line/Subdivsion: Nampa Subdivision
Location: King Hill, Idaho, United States
1 Favorites
Date Added: May 09, 2024
Date Taken: October 09, 2023
Shoshone, Idaho, United States
Good Times
Good Times
After meeting a pair at Tunupa, UP 7189 is back well underway as they put the hammer down through town with a friendly greeting from the conductor as they roll past the only remaining Amshack on the OSL.
Railroad: Union Pacific Railroad
Locomotive Model: AC4400CW
Road Number: UP 7189
Railroad Line/Subdivsion: Nampa Subdivision
Location: Shoshone, Idaho, United States
0 Favorites
Personal License Cost: $25.00
Date Added: November 28, 2023
Date Taken: March 26, 2023
King Hill, Idaho, USA
King Hill Summit
King Hill Summit
UP 8656 East with CSX 494 lead the ITAG2 double stack up the King Hill summit on a beautiful spring morning.
Railroad: Union Pacific Railroad
Locomotive Model: SD70Ace
Road Number: UP 8656, CSX 494
Railroad Line/Subdivsion: Nampa Subdivision
Personal License Cost: $25.00
Location: King Hill, Idaho, USA