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Date Added: December 12, 2023
Date Taken: December 11, 2023
Eagle Lake, Florida, United States
Remnants of the past
Remnants of the past
Following my more recent post of FCEN 57, I had mentioned that they had purchased 2 Ex- UP GP15-1's, shortly after that post they had arrived on property. On a beautiful december morning, I made a run out to the Eagle Lake Division to test my luck on catching the new units. Pulling up near the transload facility, I find them pulling GP15-1 #655 and #713 out with a cut of tanks. I could still smell the paint fumes off of the units as they pull out too, these units look very sharp.
Railroad: FCEN
Locomotive Model: GP15-1
Road Number: FCEN 655 FCEN 713
Railroad Line/Subdivsion: Eagle Lake Division
Location: Eagle Lake, Florida, United States
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Date Added: November 26, 2023
Date Taken: November 01, 2023
Bartow, Florida, United States
New Beginnings
New Beginnings
On a chilly November I ventured out to Bartow, FL to get a look at Florida Central Railroad GP7u #57. FCEN 57 had just been repainted into a brand new SCL inspired paint scheme. The scheme looks identical to the SCL scheme, just with Florida Central lettering. Florida Central is starting to paint some if its newer units into this new scheme, to get away from the Pinsly red after Regional Rail bought out Pinsly's Florida Central, Florida Midland, and Florida Northern Railroads back in 2020. Two refurbished GP15-1s will also arrive to FCEN in this new SCL scheme in the near future. These new GP15's will replace aging CF-7 #50, and SW1200 #94. FCEN 94 was recently sold off to LOSX, and now carries the reporting mark "LOSX 150."
Railroad: Florida Central Railroad
Locomotive Model: GP7u
Road Number: FCEN 57
Railroad Line/Subdivsion: Eagle Lake Division
Location: Bartow, Florida, United States