Memorial Day Treat - Memorial Day 2021 in the Ohio Valley brought a special treat for local railfans, as the Ohio Rail Experience passenger equipment made a deadhead ferry move back to their home base near Cincinnati after two weekends of excursions on the former DT&I in Western Ohio and Southern Michigan. Leading the train back home was CRC/C&O GP7 No. 5704, the oldest continuously active GP7. Here, the 5704 is putting out some nice exhaust as it works a hill on the former B&O Ohio Division mainline, today the Indiana & Ohio Railway's Midland Sub, between Remington and Indian Hill, Ohio with 10 passenger cars and the other ORE locomotive for the trips, CRC/NKP GP30 No. 901, on the drawbar. The sound of that old EMD 567 series motor thundering down the mainline was absolutely beautiful!
Cincinnati Railway
Road Number
CRC 5704
I&O Midland Subdivision
Indian Hill, OH, United States
Date Taken
May 31, 2021
Date Uploaded
December 23, 2022
Hot Shot
Photo of the Day
Photo of the Week
Memorial Day Treat - Memorial Day 2021 in the Ohio Valley brought a special treat for local railfans, as the Ohio Rail Experience passenger equipment made a deadhead ferry move back to their home base near Cincinnati after two weekends of excursions on the former DT&I in Western Ohio and Southern Michigan. Leading the train back home was CRC/C&O GP7 No. 5704, the oldest continuously active GP7. Here, the 5704 is putting out some nice exhaust as it works a hill on the former B&O Ohio Division mainline, today the Indiana & Ohio Railway's Midland Sub, between Remington and Indian Hill, Ohio with 10 passenger cars and the other ORE locomotive for the trips, CRC/NKP GP30 No. 901, on the drawbar. The sound of that old EMD 567 series motor thundering down the mainline was absolutely beautiful!
I've been following trains since I was old enough to know what they were. I started doing photography in my teens, and have been doing it ever since, and now include my family in some of my images.
CRC 5704 is a class EMD GP7 and is pictured in Indian Hill, OH, United States. This was taken along the I&O Midland Subdivision on the Cincinnati Railway. Photo Copyright: David Rohdenburg uploaded to Railroad Gallery on 12/23/2022. This photograph of CRC 5704 was taken on Monday, May 31, 2021. All Rights Reserved.