UP 7183 tied down Hartley Iowa waiting on a crew. - UP 7183 light power sits tied down at Hartley Iowa waiting on a outbound crew to pull the loaded grain train to Eagle Grove. With the K42 tied on the main in Everly they would wait tell the next day to get a crew on duty.
Union Pacific Railroad
Road Number
UP 7183
Sheldon Subdivision
Hartley , IA, United States
Date Taken
May 24, 2024
Date Uploaded
May 25, 2024
Hot Shot
UP 7183 tied down Hartley Iowa waiting on a crew. - UP 7183 light power sits tied down at Hartley Iowa waiting on a outbound crew to pull the loaded grain train to Eagle Grove. With the K42 tied on the main in Everly they would wait tell the next day to get a crew on duty.
Northern Iowa Railfan Nikon D3100 Located in Garner IA
UP 7183 is a class AC44 and is pictured in Hartley , IA, United States. This was taken along the Sheldon Subdivision on the Union Pacific Railroad. Photo Copyright: Vinny Oelkers uploaded to Railroad Gallery on 05/25/2024. This photograph of UP 7183 was taken on Friday, May 24, 2024. All Rights Reserved.