INRD 3001 is a class GP40-3 and  is pictured in Palestine, Illinois, United States.  This was taken along the Indianapolis Subdivision on the Indiana Rail Road. Photo Copyright: Brennan Bedwell uploaded to Railroad Gallery on 02/22/2024. This photograph of INRD 3001 was taken on Thursday, February 22, 2024. All Rights Reserved.
× imgINRD 3001 Indiana Rail Road GP40-3 - in Palestine, Illino...

INRD 3001 GP40-3 Palestine, Illinois

By: Brennan Bedwell


INRD 3001 GP40-3 Palestine, Illinois - After the previous chase of the Indiana Rail Road's Marathon local being quite bad. I set out a mission to achieve a more successful railroad chase. So I set up at Palestine Airport Road where there was still good sunlight and set my settings how i wanted them. After catching them there I went just East of Robinson, IL where they descend a grade and go through a curve. Photos taken at Palestine, IL and Robinson, IL. -photo taken on February 22nd 2024.


Indiana Rail Road



Road Number

INRD 3001


Indianapolis Subdivision


Palestine, Illinois, United States

Date Taken

February 22, 2024

Date Uploaded

February 22, 2024






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INRD 3001 GP40-3 Palestine, Illinois - After the previous chase of the Indiana Rail Road's Marathon local being quite bad. I set out a mission to achieve a more successful railroad chase. So I set up at Palestine Airport Road where there was still good sunlight and set my settings how i wanted them. After catching them there I went just East of Robinson, IL where they descend a grade and go through a curve. Photos taken at Palestine, IL and Robinson, IL. -photo taken on February 22nd 2024.

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About the Author

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— Brennan Bedwell

Begun my interest in Railroading at a young age by my grandpa taking me trackside when we got the chance, now its led to many years of being trackside and taking photographs.

Photo Blurb

INRD 3001 is a class GP40-3 and is pictured in Palestine, Illinois, United States. This was taken along the Indianapolis Subdivision on the Indiana Rail Road. Photo Copyright: Brennan Bedwell uploaded to Railroad Gallery on 02/22/2024. This photograph of INRD 3001 was taken on Thursday, February 22, 2024. All Rights Reserved.

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