Orange Things What They Are - BNSF Through Power passes by Aragon GA on the Atlanta North End on Norfolk Southern. Heading back out to the Powder River Basin for a round of coal. Also you may notice that both of the number boards are missing. No idea where they went or who or what took them.
Norfolk Southern
Road Number
BNSF 5812
Atlanta North End
Aragon, Georgia, United States
Date Taken
March 28, 2021
Date Uploaded
February 19, 2024
Hot Shot
Orange Things What They Are - BNSF Through Power passes by Aragon GA on the Atlanta North End on Norfolk Southern. Heading back out to the Powder River Basin for a round of coal. Also you may notice that both of the number boards are missing. No idea where they went or who or what took them.
Train Crew at NCTM Depot Staff at TVRM Been filming and taking photos of trains since 2017 but loved them since I was born
BNSF 5812 is a class GE ES44AC and is pictured in Aragon, Georgia, United States. This was taken along the Atlanta North End on the Norfolk Southern. Photo Copyright: Lane Baggerly uploaded to Railroad Gallery on 02/19/2024. This photograph of BNSF 5812 was taken on Sunday, March 28, 2021. All Rights Reserved.