Heritage on Hire - Seymoure Railway Heritage Centre's X31 leads C501 on #D662V Light Engine transfer from the SRHC Depot to SCT Logistics' Altona North yard as it passes through Spotswood/South Kingsville This marks the first time since the 1980's that X31 ran on the Standard Gauge (mainly on the North East to and from Albury) and is the first trip (both in service and in preservation) on the Western Standard Gauge since being completed in 1995
G16C + GT26C
Road Number
SRHC X31 + C501
Western Standard Gauge
Spotswood/South Kingsville, VIC, Australia
Date Taken
February 06, 2024
Date Uploaded
February 06, 2024
Hot Shot
Heritage on Hire - Seymoure Railway Heritage Centre's X31 leads C501 on #D662V Light Engine transfer from the SRHC Depot to SCT Logistics' Altona North yard as it passes through Spotswood/South Kingsville This marks the first time since the 1980's that X31 ran on the Standard Gauge (mainly on the North East to and from Albury) and is the first trip (both in service and in preservation) on the Western Standard Gauge since being completed in 1995
Grew up not far from the Frankston line in Melbourne's South Eastern suburbs, been a railfan since I was 2 years old and started taking photos digitally around 2016 and with film since 2021, my main go to film stock is Ilford's XP2 Super as it's quite a versatile black and white film that can be developed the same as colour fim
SRHC X31 + C501 is a class G16C + GT26C and is pictured in Spotswood/South Kingsville, VIC, Australia. This was taken along the Western Standard Gauge on the ARTC. Photo Copyright: Jordy Lancaster uploaded to Railroad Gallery on 02/06/2024. This photograph of SRHC X31 + C501 was taken on Tuesday, February 06, 2024. All Rights Reserved.