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Date Added: October 19, 2023
Date Taken: June 26, 2023
Douglas, Northern Cape, South Africa
"Uncharted Territory"
"Uncharted Territory"
Having traversed the relatively flat plains of the Karoo between Belmont and Broadwaters, Class 25NC No. 3437 embarks on a historic journey, venturing into uncharted territory. This remarkable locomotive now faces the more demanding and tumultuous landscape that traces the banks of the Vaal River, leading towards the agricultural town of Douglas. Captured during an extraordinary Farrail Tour, meticulously organized and supervised by the New Cape Central Railway, with the invaluable support of Steamnet 2000! Broadwaters, Northern Cape June 2023
Railroad: South African Railways
Locomotive Model: South African Railways class 25NC
Road Number: 3437
Railroad Line/Subdivsion: Douglas Branchline
Location: Douglas, Northern Cape, South Africa
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Date Added: October 19, 2023
Date Taken: June 25, 2023
Kimberley, Northern Cape, South Africa
''Night scenes of Yesteryear''
''Night scenes of Yesteryear''
On a chilly winter's night, beneath the weathered coaling stage, a nostalgic journey to yesteryear unfolds, embraced by the presence of Class 25NC No. 3437 (in the foreground) and Class 25NC No. 3482 (in the background). This distinctive coal stage serves as the home for Steamnet2000, an organisation dedicated to preserving steam and railway heritage in the Northern Cape. Beaconsfield, Kimberley June 2023
Railroad: South African Railways
Locomotive Model: South African Railways class 25NC
Road Number: 3437
Railroad Line/Subdivsion: Beaconsfield Depot
Location: Kimberley, Northern Cape, South Africa