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3 Results Found

Just an average morning 70 years ago

John Fry


3 Favorites

Date Added: November 21, 2023

Date Taken: January 13, 2019

Owosso, Michigan, United States

Just an average morning 70 years ago

Just an average morning 70 years ago

The 1225 hustles a Lerro charter across Mid Michigan on a bitter cold January morning in 2019. As I watched this impressive machine thunder across frost covered farm fields I couldn't help but think that this was once a common, everyday occurrence.

Railroad: Pere Marquette

Locomotive Model: Berkshire

Road Number: PM 1225

Railroad Line/Subdivsion: Owosso

Location: Owosso, Michigan, United States

Good Morning Rockhill

John Fry


3 Favorites

Date Added: November 02, 2023

Date Taken: October 19, 2023

Rockhill Furnace, PA, United States

Good Morning Rockhill

Good Morning Rockhill

A heavy fog has taken residence in the valley this morning while EBT #16 has coupled onto the day's train.

Railroad: East Broad Top

Locomotive Model: Mikado

Road Number: EBT 16

Railroad Line/Subdivsion: Narrow gauge

Location: Rockhill Furnace, PA, United States

Sunrise at Horseshoe

John Fry


2 Favorites

Date Added: October 16, 2023

Date Taken: October 28, 2022

Altoona, Pennsylvania, United States

Sunrise at Horseshoe

Sunrise at Horseshoe

It was a busy morning at horseshoe curve this past fall as the sun has just risen high enough to ignite the spectacular fall colors that were still hanging. In fortunate timing the head end of a manifest freight grinds its way up grade past the helpers of an eastbound loaded coal train hold back the tonnage going down towards Altoona.

Railroad: Norfolk Southern

Locomotive Model: SD70ACE

Road Number: NS 1104

Railroad Line/Subdivsion: Pittsburgh line

Location: Altoona, Pennsylvania, United States